Web Applications



This is an interactive and comprehensive database named ‘Gascanbase’. The database is enriched with numerous information such as 3D mapping of nsSNPs onto wild-type and mutant structures, functional consequences of the damaging nsSNPs on their respective domains and motifs, prioritization of GO (gene Ontology) functions, scrutinizing the interactions network of these genes. My very first database application endeavor as a Bioinformatics Developer, focusing on Gastric Cancer. It’s a comprehensive database of SNPs associated with gastric cancer.

GasCanBase Applink

AI-powered Virtual assistant & Portfolio Manager(ChatBot)

Frigga is my Smart, AI-powered virtual agent deployed on my portfolio site. Using artificial intelligence and natural language processing, Frigga provides fast, consistent, and accurate answers across messaging platforms, applications, devices. Her scopes include my professional portfolio indexing, projects, whereabouts and publications.

Developed with IBM.

Word Cloud Generator

The more often a specific words appears in your text, the bigger and bolder it appears in your word cloud. You can write a text in the text box/ Upload a document for generating a wordcloud. Thus, you can have a Quick Overview of what

  • Novel
  • Document
  • Speech
  • Journal Article is all about.

👆🏻 Click The Image & Go To My App.

Interactive App For Customization

Imagine preparing a figure for a manuscript using R. We spend a lot of time recreating the same plot over and over again by rerunning the same code but changing small parameters each time.

  • Filter Table based on query,
  • Download data, as filtered,
  • The size of the points,
  • The color of the points,
  • The plot title,

The data shown on the plot—these criteria all have to be just right before publishing the figure. To save time from the hassle of rerunning the code many times, I have created a demo app with gapminder Dataset.

👆🏻 Click The Image & Go To My App.

Geo Viz. App

Mass Shootings have been a topic of intense discussion in the United States. A public database of mass shootings since 1982 has been made available by the Mother Jones, a non-profit organization. I have build an app to explore these shootings data on an interactive map.

  • Click on the circled area, to get crime details about that region.

👆🏻 Click The Image & Go To My App.

BMI Calculator

  • Just enter the Name, Height & Weight. Click on Show BMI. BMI will be calculated.

👆🏻 Click The Image & Go To My App.

Md. Tabassum Hossain Emon
Md. Tabassum Hossain Emon

My research interests include Precision Medicine, Cancer Biology, and Metagenomics.